In game alias(s) :
Haeden, Xaticus, Boomslag, Traeden
Currently playing :
Mortal Online
Time I've been playing :
3 weeks
Location and Time Zone :
Florida, Eastern Timezone
Past guilds :
Why I want to join DA :
When I asked what the best anti random player killer guild was, DA was the top one everyone said.
I like a lot of aspects of this game, but I don't like people who hunt down crafters/noobs just because.
So I want to join a guild where I can enjoy things like crafting, slag hauling, taming in relative piece, but then be able to hunt down reds/RPK guilds on my fighter.
I've done a lot of pvp in games like GW2 and WOW, among others, so would definitely like to PVP in MO.