Mortal Online Application
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Author Topic: Mortal Online Application  (Read 5050 times)

Offline Ravi0600

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Mortal Online Application
« on: January 12, 2015, 02:54:29 am »
In game alias(s) :


Currently playing :

Mortal Online

Time I've been playing :

3 Months

Location and Time Zone :


Past guilds :


Why I want to join DA :

I heard you DA guys are an anti-rpk guild that murders griefers and are a good like minded people i have met some DA people before seen them murdering griefers and i have not been in a guild because i was working on builds seeing what i like and just completely getting gold for my new character i have now got that all settled and am looking to join a guild and i thought DA would make a fine guild for me

How old are you?

17 04/16/1997

