In game alias(s) :
Adaca, Ebumar, Buhtch, Walri, Brongard
Currently playing :
Mortal Online
Time I've been playing :
1.5 Months
Location and Time Zone :
Southern California, PST
Past guilds :
Why I want to join DA :
I met Branflakes through some RL friends of mine. We are all looking to join, but I will let them submit their own applications. Basically, I have a nearly fully skilled club foot fighter, a nearly fully skilled (but not fully fat) res mage, a weapon crafter that specializes in dental/bone lores, an armor crafter that only needs metallurgy lores, and a fully lore'd butcher. I will bring all of these to DA. On top of this, I got sick of Tindrem and decided to move my entire harem (lol) to MK. Currently I have been playing with Bran in our mumble.
How old are you?