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Applications / Application
« Last post by thraggon on October 06, 2015, 12:52:46 pm »
In game alias(s) :

Thraggon, Thragg, Petsfor

Time I've been playing :

1 month

Location :

Washington USA

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

Heard about DA on forums.

I dont know if this is the right guild to apply for, or maybe you can steer my in the right direction.

What im looking for is a guild that wants to stem the tide of the red guilds. Looking to fight RPK, Doom, ELYS, AIM.

I know your guild is mostly PVE from what I read but maybe you have some like minded people?

Applications / Application
« Last post by deebestkid on October 03, 2015, 10:30:28 pm »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

1 month

Location :

rhode island U.S.A

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

well I seen a couple guys in game yelling to check guild site out and I like the fact that guys is willing to help others n stick together in this guild this is a big game and would like to help out as I need help also I am very active have ts and a mic lol
Applications / Application
« Last post by Fancyman on October 02, 2015, 07:25:07 pm »
In game alias(s) :

Fancyman, Darkwoody, Azazia

Time I've been playing :

2-3 weeks

Location :

US East Coast

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

I posted in the MO forum that I am looking for a guild. http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/threads/looking-for-a-guild.125618/. Xtrameelk responded to my post. After reviewing what the guild stands for, I think we could be a match.
Applications / Application
« Last post by CheezMak3r on October 02, 2015, 05:00:54 pm »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

couple days

Location :


Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

I saw a forum post and looked into your guild info. Looked like i could fit in very well. I still don`t have experience in this game and that is why i am looking for a guild where i could get some heads up and advance faster. My experience closest to this sandbox probably is eve-online (played it for about 7 years) so i am not that far away from understanding what a sandbox game is. I am really looking forward to this.
My play time can wary, from 20-60 hours a week depending from work. Also have no problem using TS.

Applications / Application
« Last post by doyouevenlift on October 02, 2015, 12:12:33 am »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

2 days

Location :

Uh... Vague question. TX,MD,and WA State.

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

Im with snowglobe and vix.
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Energyo on October 01, 2015, 11:35:57 pm »
Sent you a PM.
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Energyo on October 01, 2015, 11:34:24 pm »
Sent you a PM.
Applications / Application
« Last post by Snowglobe on October 01, 2015, 11:22:29 pm »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

2 days

Location :


Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

Im with vixii she decided to join yall so i wanted to come along
Applications / Application
« Last post by Zonael on October 01, 2015, 11:10:13 pm »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

couple weeks

Location :

USA, New York.

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

I was searching the forums of MO and noticed your thread, I am now working out of Aur and your base is next to where I am. I am a weapon smith so I can't fight very well and would like to do my craft in peace. I am more than willing to craft any weapon I can for anyone, I have done so already. So if I can join I will be another weapon craftier for you. Looking to make armor as well.
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 01, 2015, 08:21:31 pm »
Hei, rart å se andre norske som spiller MO :)
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