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Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 07:31:04 pm »
PM sent
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 07:23:32 pm »
PM sent
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 07:22:05 pm »
PM sent
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 07:21:22 pm »
Pm sent
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 07:20:35 pm »
pm sent
Applications / Re: Application
« Last post by Pewsalot on October 17, 2015, 06:45:18 pm »
PM sent
Applications / Application
« Last post by Yeonan on October 17, 2015, 05:18:27 pm »
In game alias(s) :

Kuwhar, Yeonan

Time I've been playing :

about a month

Location :

New York

Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

Saw a recruitment post on the forums and saw that you guys are ARPK and not elitist. I'm just looking for a good group to adventure with, PvE, crafting etc some PVP is cool but not against innocents.

Applications / Application
« Last post by Orieon on October 17, 2015, 04:17:18 pm »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

I use to play for a good 5 months back in 2013, and now i have come back

Location :


Past guilds :

BGMD idk something like that... THE BlACK GUARDS from baktti but now i believe they r gone

Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

I posted in forum and some politely directed me here. I have heard of DA before and agree with what they stand for. My in game character's Orieon is training as a weaponsmith, well when i get the hang of it... But either way I hate RPK'S and would much rather focus on being productive in a guild and aiding them when i can.
Applications / Application
« Last post by Azmatar on October 17, 2015, 07:39:03 am »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

Less than one week.

Location :


Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

I read on the forums that it is a guild against killing other players, I truely dislike pvp, and wish to mostly gather, craft, perhaps hunt with others.  I'm always looking to make new friends, and joining a guild will do so, along with helping me learn the ins and outs of playing.

Also, the game is free to play, which I am one of the new people testing it out as well.  I have a disposable income, and am not against paying for a sub, but I will want to see more of the game before a final decision is made.

Applications / Application
« Last post by callyn on October 17, 2015, 04:12:44 am »
In game alias(s) :


Time I've been playing :

2 days using chars created 2 years ago

Location :


Past guilds :


Age :


Where I heard of DA and why I want to join :

from forums, would like to join your guild so that I can learn more about the game from vets and be part of protecting innocents
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